I often stand on the platform during delays thinking, "Someone better be dead." And when I find out someone is, I am still pissed about having to wait. Is that the definition of selfish? No. I think the definition of selfish is jumping in front of a train and delaying the commute of hundreds, possibly thousands, of people.
Anyone who commits suicide is selfish. I bet they don't think about the effects it has on those closest to them...
And then they go and delay the commute of thousands of other people.
Keeping those alive who don't want to be is also selfish. Get them a hefty amount of Prozac. It depends on the way they execute their suicide on their "selfishness".
1) this site is for texts that are interesting. not just funny or have sophomoric overtones.
2)all of the posts are taken out of context and you don't know if someone responded to the text or what. all of you need to relax.
3) a lot of you need to learn how to spell as well.
"there are such better ways to do yourself off. why be an inconnvienience to others when you are having a bad day."
i agreed before i read those last few posts., really sad, why would someone think death is ever funny or be so SELFISH themselves?this post is dumb. whoever posted it, i hope they read this and feel like an idiot for posting it. then they should remove it.
So the guy committed suicide...... it happens all the time and yes he was selfish because the only people that get hurt when someone kills themselves is their family and friends.......It was a funny text, don't be so fucking emo
I don't find anything funny about the situation or suicide, but I do find the casualness of the text hilarious. I think that the person posting this probably didn't think "OMG someone just jumped in front of a train how HILARIOUS!", but simply thought the text itself was funny because it was suck a shock and downplayed.
obviously the person is not thinking about the other people in their lives, all they can think about is that they want to die. I would never say they were being selfish, and i think it is disgusting that people are laughing at this.
It is NOT funny, and when you know the person that did jump in front of the train, like my friend, maybe you will understand.
i wish TFLN never posted this text, they should have regulated and realized how awful this truly is.
Calm the hell down people. We are NOT laughing because someone jumped infront of the train. We ARE laughing because the text seemed so casual. So unbunch you panties and stop posting stupid comments like this is NOT funny, because IM
yes, you fucking asshole. i hope the next time youre all waiting on a platform, someone pushes you and you die. you are so fucking inconciderate to laugh at suicide. it may be affect your precious time schedule for one day but just think about that persons life and how much shit they've been through to want to not be alive. get a fucking heart and then stab it.
killing yourself is selfish, and thinking suicide is an inconvenience to your life that will continue on while that person is now deceased is also, selfish. so you guys are fighting with a double sided knife.
Suicide IS selfish. You takin yourself outta the world because you its the worst, but others are having a harder time and dealing with it. Leavin your loved ones behind? Selfish as fuck
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