still wasted. at home depot . just threw up in one of the demo showers. not okay.
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Haha i work at home depot, glad im not in kitchen and bath! And FYI home depot it self isnt too bad its the rednecks and non english speakers who make it suck (im bi lingual so im not being mean, just honest)
Just don't get caught...
Fuckin nasty ass :(
Was this the one near Marist?
That is awesome!
Could have been worse - you could have crapped in one of the demo toilets.
That's why I don't go to home depot
Ugh I work for home depot. Should have stayed home you Nasty person. Can't wait to finish my BSN to get the hell out of there.
This is my local HD ...Haha!
I work at home depot and it fucking sucks. Puke on anything you like, I work in the offices so I wouldn't have to clean it up, haha.
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