I know a lot of lesbian strippers...there are WAY more than 1. Good luck finding the single straight one that doesn't have a child and is stripping her way through law school. That, my friends, is the unicorn of strippers
I got the one fuckin stripper that's celibate. THE ONLY ONE. And I'm pretty positive this is really only one, because celibate should never be used to describe a stripper.
Dude most strippers are bi these days. The "I like girls" line is almost always a translation for either "No full service at your final price" or for "Your money is good but ewwww!"
here's a secret for guys out there.....strippers generally get higher tips if they tell their clients they are bisexual or lesbian....and they know that
To everyone who says that strippers are either single or lesbians tht is rather false, I know multitudes of strippers outside the club and they are amazing talented single straight girls cashing in on mens desperate need to fufill an urge... I mean why not if u can...
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