Boo hoo. If you're an illegal then you're a criminal. Crying about the law is like crying about getting arrested for theft. You broke it, deal with it. And if you don't want to deal with it then go back across the border and don't come back until you have some papers in your hand. Simple as that.
How come when I'm in a foreign country I'm expected to have my passport with me, but we don't expect them to? Fuck the double standard. Get the illegals out
Seriously, fuck you. Arizona is the only state with balls. I home we deport every fucking illegal bastard and fine every company severly if they don't fire and replace them (with decent wages) in 90 days
Az is not racial profiling they are trying to keep illigals out who could potentially be dangerous.... Give this state some credit because unless you've watched day laborers running towards your car it's very scary
Hey bestwit you sir are a moron. So asking people for legal Id, the same thing I have to provide when I get pulled over, is racist? I can't imagine being so fucked in the's disturbing
How dare Arizona enforce the law, those illegal immigrants broke into OUR country fair and square! Haha... You should have been patriotic and slept with her.
It's federal law to require anyone who looks Hispanic to carry their passport on them at all times? I'm all for shipping the illegals back across the border, but can we maybe do it in a less racist way?
You have to carry your legal ID, as well as your social security card or birth certificate. And if you can't show your social or birth certificate then you will be arrested. Also, if you get arrested then everyone else in your car gets arrested for harboring an illegal immigrant, whether they are actually illegal or not.
Wow people are so dumb. Asking people to carry Id is not the same as star wearing. Jews were legal citizens that were killed for no reason save religion. Here we just want proof u actually live here legally. And no the state isn't gonna gas u if you don't have papers. Grow the fuck up and appreciate that we live in a republic NOT a democracy.
This whole comment is retarded, but the last sentence is ESPECIALLY awesomely stupid. What does our nation being a republic (granting that overly simplistic description, for the sake of argument) have to do with anything?
Arizona is just awful for actually doing something about the immigration problem in this country. How dare they actually enforce a FEDERAL law? Our country isn't doing it, and it's about time somebody did.
If I could quote a book I read in high school ("Their Eyes Were Watching God"): "De ones de white man know is nice colored folks. De ones de white man don't know is bad n*ggers."
I left AZ. Hanging out with Hispanic friends was already getting me in enough legal trouble.... Now they have to provide proof that their citizens, or I go to jail? Fuck that.
Couple things. Arizona tea is not made in arizona. It's made in New York.\nSecond the law itself is not racial profiling, but it will most likely lead to it.\nThird. The idiot who asked why it matters that we live in a republic should go back to high school and pay attention in social studies class.
to do the jobs all you lazy asses will not do...\nso all of you or your parents that ask for goverment help as in food stamps,tanif, and whatever more free stuff they give can get it.. yeah thats right... all those "illegals" put the food in your mouths! "illegal immigrants is not a new thing, natives called them white people!"
Hey, just to clarify, you speak Spanish right? Not Incan, or Aztec, or a native language? You speak a language based from a former European superpower that did to the natives of South America what the French and British did to the natives of North America, right?\n\nOh wait, we're not supposed to talk about that. Carry on blaming America for everything. Better use that free speech you hate so much.
Read the law before judging, whiny bitches. Or live here and see how bad it is. The legal immigrants in AZ are all for it. So am I. And the radicals protesting at the capital by throwing bottles at officers? Morons, way to support your cause for equality.
bla bla bla bla bla... 1st of let me start by saying... yes you racist assholes i am CHICANA for those who don't have a clue what this means... i was born in the united states but come from a mexican background. all of you are taking the excuse of saying that the are just "enforcing" a law. it's all a bunch of bullshit. this is just an excuse fir all you racist fucks to cover up your unnecessary hatred with a excuse. all these people are just looking for a better future for themselves and
Yeah Arizona is enforcing a law to do something about illegal immigration, but by supporting racial profiling. How can that be considered alright in any sense?
I'm from arizona now and I'm all for it. You have no idea how badly the immigrants are screwing with our economy. This is america. If you want to live here take the damn tests! Otherwise stay out of here!!!!!!!!!!! I love Scottsdale I don't like seeing it suffer.
Racial profiling isn't racist, it's common sense and a good starting point. \n\nSo picture a terrorist in your head. If you pictured a Muslim you're racist?
We need more states with laws like Arizona, wait we have them. Every state requires you have legal and proper identification. Just saw on the news,mom and dad are undocumented illegal aliens but their ten kids born here are citizens.
I would also like to mention that the United states is going through all of this because they are scared of change. Just like America was scared of change during the civil rights, the only reason they didn't accept African Americans. America needs change, we all know this. If Hispanics are given the chance we know that they can contribute much to this nation. Are we really that chauvinistic? Wow
First of all if we're going to kick all the illegals out, well we might as well start with the white folk. We were here illegally first, they didn't get kicked out so why should the Hispanics be kicked out? Whites, you want them to leave? Then I suggest you leave first. The law sb1070 well what can I say, its twisted and ludicrous, coming from and supported by racist! This is all coming from a "white person", so shove this up your asses.
Californians and Liberals bitch about it because they have nothing to do in their low salary and lonely lives. Only alive because it's not legal to shoot them.
Apparently you don't even get it. This is a reference to the people protesting outside of Wrigley, boycotting the Cubs/Diamondbacks game because they're from Arizona. P.S. GO BLACKHAWKS
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