ACTUALLY under the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, only purchasing alcohol and possessing alcohol in public by persons under 21 is illegal by most states. In Texas, consumption of alcohol by persons under 21 in a private residence is not illegal. So those cops f'ed up. Unless you were on campus property.
also if the cops can see something illegal going on in plain site, as in through a window, they can enter with out a warrant, if they suspect something illegal they cant jus barge in.
To a matter of fact campus cops can enter without permission since they are on school property...the same way they can enter dorm rooms\n\nFurthmore, cops can enter a residence if they have the probable cause (such as underage drinking). Way to know ur rights...
That's why I go to Rice University. The campus cops aren't actually allowed to enter a closed room. I've had them bang on the door with tons of underage people drinking inside. As long as you don't answer the door, you're safe!
Hey FYI campus police are NOT allowed to enter a dorm room that has a closed door. They need a little thing called a warrant for that. Even a real police officer need a warrant to enter the premises and no underage drinking is not probable cause.
Campus cop weighing in, yeah we do read this stuff; Mr. Junior lawyer here is all ass-backwards on this: nearly every university has clauses in their housing agreements that allow security officers to enter a students room for pretty much any reason at all, with minimal notice. Now, we can suffer disciplinary action on the backside if it was a sketchy call, but that isn't likely to save your butt the-night-of. There are universities that don't roll like that, not so many, though
Nice lie or you don't understand your rights. Cops can't enter your property without permission. If this really happened get a lawyer and bankrupt the school.
dorm rooms are school and/or public property and not your own. therefore, the campus police have every right to enter your room for any reason they deem necessary without a warrent. ppl are so stupid nowadays..
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