Your dick is also probably 2 inches long so what really happend is you tried to fuck her but she didn't want to cause of your tiny dick so your butt hurt and now trying to get the rest of the girls but guess what asshole? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN
Wow, tons of haters. Funny thing is, those same people probably have been fucked a time or two using this exact tactic. Who's the whore now?? Funny shit
This guy is a pop collar douche, with a small penis. He may get one unfortunate girl when she's drunk, but everyone will know he has a 1 inch nub dick and laugh when he comes around.
You are a fuckig douche and I hope to you that you have kids and they all die and your herpe infected wife. Then you get put to jail and get but raped by a gang 3 times a night. No women deserves that you man whore.
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