i guess i had fun last thursday night because when i got on the drunk bus this thursday night everyone immediatley started chanting my name and telling me to do a bus flip
whats a bus flip?
idk but apparently i invented it
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Ahhhh the drunk buses at LSU. Good times. Good times.
The busflip is as old as busses themselves. U stand, holding the above rails, and do a backflip. U didnt invent it, idiot.
Both parties involved in this text are morons. Idiot #1 for thinking you invented the bus flip, and Idiot #2 for not even knowing what a bus flip is.
Penis. That is all...
Oh the Tigerland drunk bus, memories...
Drunk bus
i was on this bus :) f*#king great night
or you think you were...
U didnot invent the busflip, u wish.
Hahaha Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge
Auburn has drunk buses too
That's pretty fucking great to know. Thank you my life is so much better now.
Zcfrey where are from? Wouldn't happen to e Eunice ?
Baton rouge:)
Gotta luv the drunk bus lol it picks you up at your apt snd drops you off single most great idea LSU ever came up with
Stop trolling the drunk guy; he said he invented it coz he was pissed. Everyone else was also drunk, so I guess they were impressionable... =P
God i love the drunk bus!!! GEAUX TIGERS BEAT BAMA
I was on the bus this night. i feel famous now that i was egging someone on to do the first bus flip.
Best texts ever!!!
U did NOT invent the bus flip shitbrick, sorry but.....fail
Tigerland drunk bus...aahhhhhhh I love LSU
Damn I'm proud I'm from Louisiana!!
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