You stood in front of a yellow Camaro and kept yelling at it to "Transform already!!!!".. yeah, I'd say you were pretty wasted.
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1224 I can
I am tired of the "in soviet Russia" comments... It was funny the first time and the first time only
They make transformer camaros. There's two where I live.
I luv this txt
My friends told me today if I had a yellow camero this would be something I'd do lmfaoooo
who owns a yellow camaro?
big jews
this feels like a repeat, but long enough ago that i barely remember...hmmmm
i would do the same thing.
Screw yellow, I have a black camaro
I have a 2010 camaro
Hmm I wonder if this has anything do with the fact that there was a transformers joke a couple of days ago...
stop taking this shit too seriously\ni bet it made you laugh\nif it didn't, oh well\nmove on
Go bumble bee go!!!!
Win! Also u must be really high
I would totally do this.
Weaksauce. Transformers was cool to joke about in '07.
funny shit right there
Can someone shove their cock in soviet russias mouth
By that r u talking about an Asians dick?
In Soviet Russia, camaros transform you
I'd love to see what happen if they saw a semicoming at them. "OPTIMUS!!!!!" boom dead
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