PS the last 3 guys I've hooked up with were a CEO, a mechanical bull operator and a magic the gathering player...I need a type...
Ur type is ready and willing
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if ur magic the gathering player is anything like mine thats who u need. we have amazing sex ALWAYS. of course, he doesn't fit his type very well...
this is an intervention
a Magic player got laid???
ugh, portland OR, desperate
lol did the mechanical bull opperator work at dukes?
I like that "ready and willing". stealing it!!!!
Magic: The Gathering FTW!
...As far as I'm concerned, my Magic player sure as hell knows how to make me scream. ;] He's certainly better than my soccer player ex-boyfriend.
magic the gathering is the shit. nerds are the best sort of people... and usually the best in bed...
Hey hey hey! We are not desperate, we just have a lot of love to pass around.
And they anything can happen in New York City. >_>;
503 doesn't mean Portland ..... That's also salems area code and alot of other area codes in Oregon
Seems like your choices are declining in quality..
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