Well children, when two people love eachother very much (or are drunk, high, don't know how to use protection/don't want to use protection/don't care/stupid, etc.)....
This site officially SUCKS. The moderators suck, approve the most unfunny and stupid TFLNs (like this one, which is pretty much a scene from The Hangover).. turning into another FML. None of this shit is real.
Let's ponder this shitty submission for a moment. Exactly who would this text be sent to and why? Is it for his buddy in another part of the house? Across campus? Just doesn't make any sense. Mod fail!!
Just because the hangover had guys finding a baby and this text also has guys finding a baby doesn't mean it's fake. I can definitely see this happening at a frat house.
I cannot believe all the haters!! How can you say this cannot be real??!! Text much?? You always text someone you're with rather than say something you're unsure of out loud. And to say they just messed up the Hangover quote is absolutely rediculous. I love this one.
I posted this actually... Super bowl Sunday my gf came to the party we were at and she was super high...a friend of ours girlfriend brought her 3 yeR old and my girl hilary was playing beer pong and the toddler spoke to her... Instead of freaking out in front of the mom she texted me..... So yes it was real for all of you tfln haters and hangover ppl
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