that isn't what "frat boys" are like at all. Pillars of our society were in fraternities.. And I'm sure some of our future leaders will have been as well. So stop bashing on tfln and go do some good for your community..or is that too 'frat' for you?
Waaaaa why all the pissing and moaning? The sexual tension is thick in here. Face it, all the frat haters and frat nuthuggers should just kiss and makeup! It's what they want to do anyway. LOL
325. My frat does more charity/volunteer work in a month then you've done in your entire life. How's that for basic social skills? Thanks for playing chief, better luck next time
Maybe the frats at your community colleges full of retards are lame. All the frats I know bang chicks and get wasted, popular activities among the visitors to this site
Yeah, ITT has awesome frats, bro. Also, banging chicks doesn't make you a winner if they're all ZEROS and getting wasted on wine coolers doesn't count.
To 3:10; who wouldn't be jealous of someone who lacks basic social skills and therefore must surround himself with like minded douche-cocks?
Let's just say there's a reason they're frat BOYS
I really don't think anyone is hating on frat boys. It's just common knowledge that frat boys are the epitome of shallow vapidness and it's a turn off to date a guy more interested in his biceps than anything of worth going on in the world.
fuck off with the frat judgements. there are some douchebags in the dorms and apartments too. you're judging people for being shallow, yet you stereotype every single guy thats in a fraternity and say they're all "the epitome of shallow vapidness"
i see frat guys with more decent girls that are too drunk to tell where they are than anything else. frat guys go for clueless freshman girls. or you could have game and be in much better shape
d) And good choice saying that guys in fraternities are boys. check out the lists of alumni from some of the fraternities- you'll find the names of some of the most respected and distinguished members of society, not people ripping on groups they aren't even familiar with.
Everyone in GA owns cars geeks or not! There is no way to get around here without one... unless you are constantly texting "please come get me" to someone.
b) Fraternities raise more money and volunteer for charity more often than i'm willing to bet any of you do- and no, its not court ordered. it's to reverse the stereotypes that none of you will let go.
I agree with 3:48. Not only do most of you not know what you are talking about, you dip down to a low level when you believe stereotypes like the ones posted here. Most of you probably encountered asshole frat guys but not every guy is a douche like you may think.
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