there's a guy on campus handing out business cards. you pay him to see if your girlfriend will cheat. the company name is "tying up loose ends"
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Thats actually an amazing idea!
Please tell me this is from Miami. It would make my week.
Um actually it IS spelled T-Y-I-N-G, but thanks anyway. -sephy
11:25 is an idiot. Of course spelt is a word!
Lmao. I lol'd.
2:04, I'm also 99.9% sure "spelt" is not even a word.
Crazy psychos!
LOL @2:18
Cincinnati, prolly uc campus, damn
Holy shit 2:04 you have an extra chromosome
Awesome idea. I'm going to be an entreprenuer!
That might be the single best business in history.
Yep. Spelt flour!
This guy is going to be a straight up mogul some day.
I need his number
can i PLEASE get this guys number. haha.. no seriously.
This is from the movie "Extract"
Win -colonel
That's.... Amazing. I wish I was that guy. How amazing would that be? -Spritzer
Tying, not tieing. Like lying, not lieing.
Fake I see it how I call it
Pity he didn't know that it's spelt 'tieing'. You don't ty your shoe laces, do you?
no, i tie my shoes and when i'm in the process of doing so, im TYING them.
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