mondays should just be called national damage control day
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This "Soviet Russia" iddiot sits home all day waiting for a new text. Just to type something that only he thinks is funny. Its like a little kid laughing at his own joke
In Nazi occupied France... Blacks weren't allowed out on Mondays... -inglorious basterd...
Ok guys the whole effing world does not revolve around your dumb drunk asses. Losers
*****!!! finally something funny!!!
1142 is teh ghey
Sundays nigga.
12:21 can't spell idiot. Haha
12:21 should take the cock out of his ass - soviet Russian
In soviet Russia, national damage control day is wendsday. - Soviet Russian
Umm it's Tuesday, right......?
No, you just have to blame it on the blacks. - Soviet Russian
in soviet Russia... National Damage control day is called Monday...
First haha
In soviet Russia damage control days... Who gives a fuck!
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