Not actually true. The studies on who votes for which party don't show any real correlation to intelligence. Education is decently correlated(more years in school = more likely to be a Democrat), but not intelligence.
I think it seems that most Republicans are stupid because a lot of them tend to use the Bible to back up their arguments. NEWSFLASH: you cannot use a two thousand year old book to solve present-day issues or to back present-day arguments. Times have changed - it no longer has validity.
Well considering the last eight years of American history, Republicans really can't say much. What Obama's crime? Trying to do too much? Shit at least he's trying, not like Republicans have been any help. Oh and he can form a coherent sentence which is pretty refreshing.
i think its fun when democrats (the "open minded" "non-judgmental" ones) use stereotypes. I'm a Republican who has no problem with homosexuals, and I am not alone. Please get your head out of your ass you fucking hypocrite.
not so much a stereotype as a political party. Thats the whole point, they have different characteristics. One of those differences is that Republicans are much more conservative on social issues.
It's been proven Obama has done stuff any republican would have gotten burned at the stake for. I hate assholes who don't know what they're talking about.
How about the special olympics comment? How about sneaking off to copenhagen on the tax payers dime to beg for the olympics to hook up his corrupt business buddies in his hometown knowing full well chicago had no chance. How about improperly greeting the queen of england and giving her a f*cking ipod. and those are all just minor f*ck ups. More importantly how about accepting a nobel peace prize for doing nothing but increasing the national deficit to trillions of dollars in the next few short years by c
Dude, shut the fuck up before I pull out the HUNDREDS of Bushisms. And Obama's spending to get out of debt. Not like Bush who just sat on the downhill wagon doing nothing.
and it's true, Bush said many stupid things that he never should have said and did many stupid things he never should have done. Hundreds more than Obama has done or will do in the future. Nobody can outdo Bush in the stupid department.
corrupt business buddies? Bush did that for EIGHT YEARS. I can guarantee you that more than 50% of the Wall Street business people are Republican. And I can also guarantee that Bush was hooking those bastards in the whole time he was in office. Even though I highly doubt that Obama was trying to "hook up" anyone, you cannot sit there and point fingers when your beloved moronic former president did exactly what you are saying Obama supposedly did, FOR EIGHT YEARS.
ok, so he made a mistake with the comment - that was dumb.\n\nheck - the dems (and many repubs) would have been THRILLED if W would have gone to Copenhagen. The Olympics are an honor to have. And Romney was Pres of the US Olympic Committee.
to add on:\nAnd that is part of the things presidents do - they travel - at least he wasn't traveling 10 times a year to his ranch for vacation like Bush did. So try again there.
So he was being modern by giving the Queen an iPod - sounds hip to me.\n\nAs far as the Nobel Prize is concerned - did you not listen to his speech? He said that he did not think he deserved it.
And what I love is the fact that you seem to forget that the economic mess was a cause of the Bush years. Tell me how do you stop what has been happening in a year. Most economists agree that the stimulus package was needed. And don't forget, your president Bush requested the first $800 billion package. And the deficit that he ran up! He was left with a surplus and ran that into the ground and never paid for his wars.
seriously...calling his grandmother a "typical white person"??! MSNBC would have had McCain's nuts chopped off if he had ever so much as THOUGHT the words "typical black person"
@ 8:08: let the big kids have their discussion, you Fox News sound bite spewing, brainwashed, Republican idiot.
@8:09: you sure are assuming a lot Freud. All she asked was how the person felt, yeah she's really going overboard. With people like you out there at stereotyping her and minimizing her issues, chalking up her justified insecurity to outdated and disproven psychology, I can't imagine why she would ask such a stupid question! She must be a giant trolling manhating dyke right!?
8:20 - I'm not sure I understand this word "stereotyping." Could you provide an example? Say, something like "assuming republicans dislike or would be troubled by a lesbian?" Is that stereotyping, or did I get it wrong?
Atleast he writes the speech and can actually read a coherent sentence... Or would you rather listen to another "is our children learning?" "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." or the classic "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
its strange how Bush had a teleprompter too (with speeches other people wrote for him, unlike Obama).... and he still always sounded like a complete moron.
My family's mortgage company is about to go out of business because of Obama trying to say how much money they can earn a year. If that isn't communism I don't know what is.....
@ 6:22 There are two kinds of straight people: the ones that are ignorant, lackluster, and mediocre. Oh wait, that's the only kind. How's it feel you dumbass motherfucker? You have no idea what you're talking about and your not funny. Quit while your ahead your Republican is showing. You make straight people look horrible.
everyone's hating on Obama because he's trying to fix everything Bush fucked up.. which was EVERYTHING. you can't fix something of this magnitude overnight. you people are fucking ignorant..
I completely agree with you. I don't know what these people expect. He's trying, and that's more than Bush ever did. The only thing Bush tried to do was take over and ruin everything.
People love Obama because he gives a great speech and he hasn't pissed them off too badly - about the same reason they love any other President at this point in his term.
I agree with you entirely. I'm white, but I don't support Obama. When I say this, I am constantly accused of being racist. I think he is a very intelligent, articulate, great man. Just not a great president.
Why is it that people blame republicans for homosexuals not being able to get married when it was Clinton that signed the defense of marriage act (D.O.M.A) making it a illegal for homosexuals to wed. But then again what do I know I'm just a dumb redneck republican right?
Yeah bush didn't help any but these things happen and nothing can really stop them. And speaking of the deficit Obama is the one that just got a bill through the senate that would increase the deficit cap by a trillion and a half.
Bandwagon democrats piss me off.. Bandwagon democrats = 18-25 year old kids who think social isuess are all that matter. The government should focus on the economy and keeping it's people safe. Not if Jimmy can fuck Timmy..
George Washington said it best: \n"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."\nGEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796
I'm black and I know for fact only reason Obama won was cause he's black that's why I voted and thousands of other blacks voting for first time in 20 or so years
Yea cause Obamas a genius. And all democrats and liberals are smart. Srsly shut the fuck up what do you know about politics? You know Obama is making people pay taxes on guns. And soon he plans to make a bill where he can walk in your house anytime and take youggums.
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.\n\nGEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796
I had to read these comments for this because I knew they would be hilariously predictible. You guys all think you are making intelligent arguments! Hahaha cracks me up!
3:05 the government should be concerned with all issues. Social issues are of importance and Kayla can fuck Chelsea. The government should have made it fucking legal to marry and let people be fucking free and move on with important things a long time ago.
Everyone here is tough talk behind their monitors. You are all pathetic. Reading through these arguments, I can tell 95% of you do not having a clue as to what goes on daily. I reccomend you stop botching and go make a differene in life.
You can't assume that the OP is a dyke/butchy lesbian just like all the democrats can't assume that we are ignorant because we don't agree with their point of view. Oh wait yes we can because this is America if we want to say Obama sucks then we have that right if we want to say every democrat is a tree hugging baby killing son of a bitch (or daughter of a bitch for all you pc minded people out there) then that is our God given right.
That's true. In order for there to be an anti-communist uprising against Obama, they would need guns. That's why he's gonna take away guns. But that's just a stepping stone. Guguns are always the first rite the commies take away
Bush didn't fuck the economy the people did the people who bought things they couldn't afford hoping they'll get that raise next month and it all be alright
It seems that everyone suddenly forgot that the black voting population was not enough to tip the scales in Obamas favor. We are only 13% of the population and only about 33% of us voted. population and o
No 938 that means you don't have any God given rights. It doesn't matter that you don't believe in him because I do and this being America it doesn't matter that you and I disagree and I'm a big enough person to realize that and just be happy with the fact that you're going to burn in hell.
from this comment I can grab that you are probably some one-toothed hillbilly from alabama who sits on his front porch with a shot gun, threatening to shoot people who so much as step on your property saying "y'all get outta here before I shoot yer brains out". \nI hope Obama does ban handguns. I watched this documentary and I couldn't believe that you could buy guns at Wal-Mart in the States. That is fucked.
@10:09 actually the more years in school you have, is decently correlated with the more likely you will vote republican. High school drop outs are some of the most likely people to vote democrat. Just so know
I'd like to just point out that I am a democrat, and a minority... and I've been proofreading all these so-called "higher educated" republican's comments for almost three hours now.
Well 901 pm you don't have any god given rights because god doesn't exist. A person has the power to take a baby out of this world before you bring it in. That is my choce whther the tradition way of doctor or the miscarriage way of bullriding or clothes hanger.
I thought Obama was suppose to pull economy out of hole and fix everything atleast that's what he told everyone oh wait that was all bullshit he's fucking economy more up
he can only do so much after the disaster that Bush left behind. I fucking hate you republicans who blame Obama for all that is wrong in the US. He was left with 2 wars, a plummeting economy, and billions if not trillions of dollars deficit. He is spending money in order to fix the mess that the moron who was in office before him left behind. So don't blame Obama for the deficit, he is TRYING to fix it. Do you really think he could repair everything that Bush did without spending money. God you're
I'd be more comfortable if the lesbian in question weren't an aggressive daddy-issues basket case with an overbearing need to assert herself.\n\nSounds like the laugher is SOL this semester.
No don't leave it to a republican leave it to Thomas Jefferson. "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the prusuit of happiness."- The Declaration of Independence. Now I think it is very reasonable to refer to them as "god given rights" considering the document that we established this country on refers to them as the same. - The redneck republican
Obama is a dumbass alot of dem are going to rep education levels have nothing to do with who you vote for their are like 80% of doctors that hate obamas health care who do you think they'll vote for next time
the only reason that most doctors don't like Obama's new health care plan is because it means they wouldn't be making millions of dollars a year anymore. Greedy bastards.
I thought the argument was that it was a matter of genetics, something uncontrollable? I thought it wasn't a choice? Surely you wouldn't concede that.\nI'd say your comment is the more ignorant of the two. Truth is, relax, who cares what he said.
White high school dropouts tend to vote republican while minority high school dropouts tend to vote Democrat. There are still more high school dropouts bots voting rep. Just by population size
250 you have that backwards. The only people who seem to not know about the economy is congress. Hard working Americans can tell you exactly how shitty the economy is. Just because you don't know what GDP is doesn't mean the rest of us don't. (by the way GDP stands for gross domestic product and when it has decreased regularly for 6 months we are in a recession as we are in know)
@11:01 actually that not true studies show that the higher your education the less you tend to vote republican and the less religious you tend to be. Docto
Well 1018 I am happy to know that when I die my energy is going to get disspersed to evey living thing on this planet even to selfish fairy tale believing fucks like you who put who put this so called god of yours before family and friends so you can think the pathetic life you have lived is worth something
355 you are the man or woman I don't know. Totally agree with what you are saying and so far nobody has made a valid point in an arguemwnt against you. If you are a man I'll buy you a hooker or if a woman a manicure and pedicure.
I'm black and I only voted for Obama cause he's black too black people can control this country better white people are fuckin retards all of them kill off whites
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