hahahahahaaa oh my god ive got fuckin strep and its killing me right now to laugh thats awesome... man ive had someone hit on me whos deaf and i asked the guy.. okay wtf is wrong with your voice.. and well lets just say he wasnt so happy once he read my lips... how the fuck was i to know that??
hahahaha ive been at a party before and thought this girl was super drunk and my gf at the time pulled me to the side to tell me she was deaf!! HAHA it mean but just situation is funny!
i was a stripper at illusions, and when a GROUP of deaf guys came in, the girls kinda stayed away. I knew sign language, so score one for the DEAF people doing their part to support the girls that try a little. ....still feel bad i faked them out of their money...its like molesting a blind kid...
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