if i were reduced to my simplest elements, i would be jizz and glitter.
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That was Demetri martins joke before it was on my life as liz..
Maybe it's a boy who wanks a lot and likes glitter?
Jizz is complex.
Wait, jizz and glitter ... or glittery jizz?
so youd be lady gaga
That sucks....Glitter gets everywhere....
no PootieTang ur wrong Edward Cullen gets jizzed on all the time
Haha 10:45, that sounds like someone from stage that I know would say
1044 u made my life lmao (:
...said Edward Cullen
glitter was cool until it became associated with that stupid twilight series
sounds like a lady gaga song haha
Glitter is the herpes of the crafts world...
Lol I giggled. Slutty but I giggled
im so amazing i piss glitter motherfuckers
I sprinkle diamonds on everything i eat! Why!? Cuz it's the most ballinest thing you can do! Plus it makes my doody twinkle!
Very good!
Haha 10:45, nice my life as Liz reference
Both of which are fairly sticky...
Edward Cullen? Minus the jizz?
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