Weird. Haha. I guess taking advice from batman is a good idea.
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Batman told him/her to submit this text to tfln. She/he is fucking proud it made it on here. Go batman.
Except when it comes to batnipples.
Well yeah, he's the goddamned Batman.
Its not about who you are on the inside but what you do that defines you - Batman
What advice?
Not funny like at all
In what context?
This is basic.
In soviet Russia we take advice from chuck Norris
Epic WIN
Who wouldn't like getting advice from batman. Even the joker needed his advice from time to time.
I guess your neighbors in Alaska take advice from batman according to this text
in soviet Russia we take advice from Brett favre
u take advice from a choke artist?
ZOMG third post1!!!!!!!¡¡!!!
If it's spelt batman with a wielicz then I have a mystery to solve
In west palm beach we take advice from Bat Nails
I love batman
No shit, Sherlock.
420 bad night votes. No one touch it!
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