I'm always impressed by your drunken ability to quickly gauge how long it's been since you've shaved and whether or not your prospective hook up will care.
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Is shaved pussy really that big a deal? Isn't all about tight, clean, STD-free holey?
We talking pussy here, right?
that is quite the useful skill there...
Woah 11:21 crossed the line I dunno what they do in 386 or wherever your from but if I girl is rocking the full bush I'm backin out
Stay classy Orlando
First, bitches!
that's fabulous!
Shaving is totally overrated. Body hair FTW.
Err... Shave every shower, shower every day.
I'm from 386, and don't give a shit if you have the amazon growing. I'd still hit it caveman style.
Hairy slut.
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