This dumb crap gets posted? You know it's possible that he had something OTHER than alcohol right? I wonder what the mods are thinking when they post half the texts on here.
Submitted by
on Jan 15, 10 at 11:07pm
Seriously tfln is too damn obsessed with this "omg" college" bullshit... Like the only people who drink go to universities. Congrats you drink on Fridays!
10:14 said fuck god and all that fabricated bull in the same sentence,lol. How can you hate something and not believe in it at the same time. Lmao you're worthless,
wait wait wait! how the fuck is drinking in class funny?! he could be drinking donkey piss and its still not funny. its nothing more than a mildly rare everyday thing!!! dog gammit tfln, pull your shit together and stop posting anything you receive! "a child in my local park just went down a slide wearing shorts. hello third wednesday of april.
3:50 and 12:52 you guys need to calm down. If your just gonna get pissed at all these maybe you should just leave cause some people come to this website to have fun. You guys just want to make fun of someone to try and improve your pathetic little lives
Wow 4:51, you're dense. Safe bet is you never went to college, so you don't get the humor ... Or understand the concept of a liberal arts (can't wait for you to misinterpret that word) education.
9:13 maybe drinking in class isn't hilarious to everyone. Yes I get the irony it's a religion class and he's drinking. Oh em gee. The most annoying part of this txt is "hello first Friday of second semester".
GET OVER IT. If someone hates the post because it's stupid and not funny, let them. Honestly, you're annoying for bitching about other peoples bitching and crazy to think people care what you think. Thanks =).
Submitted by
on Jan 16, 10 at 12:29am
Like I said to someone else, if you still think red cups are funny you are most likely 12 years old. So many fucking morons in this thread I swear. Having a red cup does not mean you are fucking drinking.
Submitted by
on Jan 16, 10 at 12:48pm
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