Don't sell yourself short, that means you are capable of all or some of the following. You know how to correctly use a liter. Roll up paper bills. Handle the increasingly bad taste of mushrooms. Hold a spoon AND a liter. Perform fine motor skills with a syringe. Find a suitable vein, as this also gets increasingly difficult. And if your really talented, you can hold the tin foil, operate a liter, and hold a hollowed pen in your mouth. Keep reaching for that rainbow.
You know, for a site pretty much dedicated to texts about/resulting from debaucherously drunk nights, people around here sure do seem to be down on drugs. Are you people all still in high school and reeling from the things DARE taught you, or do you still believe that somehow alcohol is better than all the other substances people use to feel good?
Unsurprising. Drugs get Cary kids through high school. We barely made it out alive (and a few didn't) but I couldn't stand my life without drugs at that time. Life is GREAT outside of 919!! Ya'll should all move to Colorado where we grow marijuana legally and we grow it well. Just sayin...self sufficient and safe....and sometimes profitable. :)
because it is 919! there are drugs everywhere. and in chapel hill/carrboro/durham everyone is so liberal! its the only thing anyone does in the 919 when there is nothing else better to do.
Drugs never judge us. I'm tore down on Lortabs and Xanax right now.... When I go back to the bottle in 30 minutes they not going to say, "hey man... Do something with ulyouur life!"
If you can only do one thing right in your life, though, wouldn't you want that one thing to be drugs? Then you don't care about everything else that's going wrong : ) I love this, it's totally me.
10:23 agreed. besides, I'll take weed over alcohol ANYDAY. you don't see stoners beating on their girlfriends or getting arrested for crashing their car into some family or being a dick to their kids, at least not in the massive quantities that you see drunks doing so...
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