And of those 25% that went on to do harder drugs, a study showed that 99% of them had eaten Cheetos at some point in their lives, which has lead to another study of whether Cheetos are also a gateway substance.
I agree with both the original statement as well as 8:46. And weed is on the first page of the bible. Can you think of a more green, seed-bearing plant that has more uses?
Just cause you smoke weed doesn't make you a stoner. Riddle me this batman, why does your brain have receptors in which their only function is to bind with THC?
Gods cure for sure
I used to think smoking weed was really bad. I thought i'd change and get really retarded. But i don't feel as if i'm any less intelligent and i actually am a lot funnier and chiller attending a great university. Having said that...a lot of people became less motivated and fucked up their lives :/
props on the Marley quote ^ 8:46, there is no way to show conclusively that weed is a gateway drug, no one ever smokes weed and says "hmmm? I think I'm gonna go smoke crack", it doesn't happen, people go on to harder drugs for many underlying reasons, and if you're not that person, who the fuck are you to say that weed is what made them want to try other drugs. And as for stoners having low paying jobs, if you're a dealer, you can make bank
Marijuana isn't a gateway drug, just because people tht take harder drugs, smoked marijuana first means nothing.. They prolly had sex beofre they started the harder drug so does tht mean sex leads to drugs too
You can argue all you want that smoking weed is bad or that it is okay but the fact remains that there is no better cure for a hangover than toking up. Seriously, I could feel like absolute crap after a long night of boozing and ill take one hit and instantly feel better before I even blow it out.
10:09 The gateway theory is still only a theory - a higher percentage of people have tried heroin/cocaine in the US than in Amsterdam, where marijuana is legal.
There are exceptions to the rule, but all you retards who want to defend habitual drug use are probably never going to break the 50k/year mark. You also probably try to defend that weed isn't emotionally addictive.
WOW I thought I was the only one that used this trick!! Nothing else works but this, small hangovers or bigggg ones it's the cure for everything! works like a charm
Hahahahaha soo true. I'm a server every sudsy morning and I have to smoke a bowl and take Tylenol and maybe an adderol., but it makes my day greaaaaat!
10:15 why does your brain have receptors for meth, pcp and heroin? By your logic, God wants me to smoke a bunch of crack. God wouldn't want you smoking crack and he doesn't want you smoking pot. Drug free is the way to be
check your sources before u make youself look dumb. those other drugs alter neurotransmitter activity in your body... they manipukate receptors... on the other hand weed has specialized receptors.. like..only for THC.\nI blaze and im on the Deans Honor Roll, weed dosent ruin life at all if ur responsible
You people that argue against weed sound fucking stupid. Marijuana has so many uses it's ridiculous. Not to mention you can never OD from it either. As for not making more than 50k a year? I stand to make 70k this year and I still toke up. Idiots.
9:55 Thats still 25% that go on to do harder drugs and 90% of people who use harder drugs started with marijuana, hence it's a gateway drug. But I should have known better than to think some dumb stoner would be able to figure that out.
Drugs are manufactured. Cannabis is manicured, and it is GROWN. You plant it and water it. You don't make cannabis. By calling it a drug, you are admitting to its medicinal purposes (which are safer and more effective than Tylenol). I drank beer and smoked cigarettes before I smoked weed for the first time. Now, I drink maybe once a month; and I've quit cigarettes. Do you know why cannabis first became illegal? To discriminate against Mexican immigrants. It's not a gateway anything, and
hey 726,, is it? i mean, really. im asking a serious question. isnt actually DOING something proactive really the answer to all problems? or therapy,? just askin,,, :)
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