It doesn't matter what state you're from, everybody sounds different...I think the whole point of posting that text was to laugh at how ridiculous it was, and here we are, further perpetuating the ridiculousness haha...absolutely beautiful
I've known plenty of ppl from Minnesota and ya u pretty much have accents. They way you guys pronounce certain words is almost Canadian sounding. Not French Canadian but like " Don' cha know" Canadian.
only kansans way out in the middle of nowhere have accents (i.e., farmers in southwest or southeast kansas). there are virtually no accents in the cities (yes, they have them). what we have is a non-regional dialect, which means there isn't an accent to pick up on.
all yall haters thinking Minnesotans have an accent have been watching Fargo or some stereotype shit. We have virtually no accent, same as most of Iowa.
as defined by the united states census bureau the region midwestern united states, generally referred to as the midwest, consists of illinois, indianna, iowa, KANSAS, michigan, minnesota, missouri, NEBRASKA, north dakota, ohio, south dakota, and wisconsin are
I'm from Nebraska and I don't know anybody with an accent... maybe we all have one and nobody realizes it? (Almost) anywhere you go, you're going to think that person has an accent...
ROCK CHALK!! Kansas IS in the midwest, whoever said that it isn't is a super douche retarded idiot moron. Also, some Kansans have accents and some don't. It depends on where in Kansas you are from.
Haha. I'm from the middle of kansas and this cracked me up. I don't think that kansans have accents, but then again me and my cousin from Arkansas argue over Wich one of us has the accent all the time. Ohhh Kansas(:
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