Twilight has meaning: it means lets capitalize on a fantasy world that emo ass little 13 year old girls cream their panties over. If they are withdrawn enough their suburban preoccupied parents will buy them anything they scream for. Fuck you guys. Go watch south park, at least that has meaning. PS Ed Cullen likes the cock.
Who cares? Can't anyone see the easiest way to make money is to target teen girls? For some reason they are the easiest to manipulate and most fall right into peoples wallets.. ex: Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, etc. Money doesn't equal good. Fight Club bombed in the box office and now it's consider one of the best movies of all suck it.
8:28- Stephen King openly criticised the Twilight series and Stephanie Meyer, pointing out in particular that it was poorly written. Which it is.
Just because it's about vampires doesn't change the fact that it's a trashy romance novel for future-Lifetime-watching 12 year old brainwashed little emo girls and fat fucks who will never have a REAL relationship. Think I'm kidding? Have you SEEN SMeyer? SHE IS A HIPPO WITH THREE CHINS.
Can't fucking stand twilight and it's little cult of bitches who watch on in hopes of meeting a man who will worship the ground their shallow asses walk on. It's not the real world, it has no "deep"
Meaning, grow up.
I was just watchin upn 9 news apparently twilight has taken the drug scene by storm. Cops are finding twilight dime bags with heroine in it! Each baggy has a diff character. The world is officially ending in 2012.
Edward likes to stick his dick into fat chick's rolls and let her sweat bead off of his penis into a cup. He then markets this drink to 13 year old girls and roll in the dough
if i were actually getting blown, that would be the most miraculous thing ever, and nothing short of the apocalypse itself would ruin that moment for me.
my life = fail.
For all of you ignorant individuals who don't know, New Moon beat the Dark Knight the opening day. It did not however beat the Dark Knight box office record. The Dark Knight came in at around 150 million while New Moon came in at about 142 million.
5:07- twilight is a made up "two guys want me" story... Fuck off. You can find other movies about the SAME thing, it's not that great.
-guy who's never watched/read the Twilight series.
At the end she gets pregnant(vampires can fuckin make babies?) then she must be turned into a vamp because the vamp baby is growin to fast(vampires grow??) fuck those books
"Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good." Stephen King agrees that the books are shit... i haven't read them but i can vouch for the first movie being absolutely horrible. They sparkle in the sunlight? ... really?... really?
Again, I never once mentioned Stephen King. I also didn't write "everyone"! I'm NOT a fan of Stephenie's and I have read all the books, but tell me you haven't noticed people on here making fun of writing, when a good portion have no idea how to spell!
no. she can't. she can modify it a little, but vampires already have established characteristics, ie: drinking HUMAN blood, burning/dying/getting hurt in the sun, NOT sparkling, things like that. stephanie meyer completely changed all of that and more.
This all can be cleared up very quicky.
Twilight sucks and it is never going away. Just like boy bands. Stupid people travel in large packs to spend their money on this shit.
P.S. @5:15 is hilarious
I think what their referring to is that twifglght made more on opening night. But batman has made more total and over opening weekend. So he's the man and twilight couldn't keep up
9:41, you are the reason that it is a turn off. Twilight beating batman wouldnt be that big of a deal normally. The only reason it is a big deal is that that twilight is supported solely by fans like you.
5:07, twilight is notorious for poor artistic quality, especially the books. the actors aren't terrible (really only pattinson & stewart), but the plot, directing, and script is dreadful. It isn't real substance, its the same romance story played over in a different theme with vampires.
this is lame. what is with all of the boring texts being posted? if thats actually real, you may want to brush up on your skills if your guy got turned off easily.
Yea i'd stop too. Cause twilught pisses me of so much that i would actually get turned off so much i would resent the girl im receiving head from, because i would forever relate her to that awful thought.
Ass hole douche bags should watch twilight. There's a meaning behind it. It's about loving someone else more than yourself. Go get spraytanned and buy a new pair of white sunglasses and a new Ed hardy tshirt u fuck.
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