Lets evaluate? U kissed one boss and lef twith another man. I cock teased the other, hardcore had a tongue jammed down my throat, made out w aa third then left in a cab w alex w them all yelling at me and offering rides. My cheek was also licked and bitten by 2 other men and we almost made out (u and me) because they asked. were hired.
No more parties with babies... I can't do that again.
my head feels like I tried to put alcohol out of business last night
let's get a trip to cabo together for next spring... they have to have forgotten about me by now
4 am. She strained the mac and cheese onto her legs. She has no skin.
In need of cum proof mascara. Don't judge me.
We haven't even moved into the apartment yet and she has already screwed two of our neighbors. This is going to be the longest 12 month lease of my life.
I feel like just to watch it, I need to be high. To understand it, I'd need enough drugs to kill an elephant.
I deleted my history right in front of my girlfriend w/out her seeing. Let's go skydiving with no parachutes. I can live thru anything.
It wasn't so much a one night stand as much as one night she puked on my nightstand.
It's okay. I've dumbed down my notes over the semester because I knew I wouldn't be up to understanding things come finals.
I'm gonna hop on that dick and ride it into the sunset
He sent me a blank text message. That's a booty call waiting to happen
Is there such thing as dick sucking teeth guards?
Your dick. My mouth. We have 20 minutes.