oh god the rape fog is back!
I was going to clean my house but wine sounded better
I'm worried someone is gonna take a black light to my work computer. But the connection is faster here.
If it was for sex do you really think i would asking for a mass vote? I'm like fidel castro when it comes to sex. No public approval needed.
I tried. Now my legs are bleeding and I cracked my head on the coffee table. Never taking your advice again.
I gotta bail on the cookout tonight. Im at the er getting stitches. Re-enacting porno went horribly wrong.
I left after my shirt got dropped in the toilet thinking that there was absolutely no good that could happen the rest of the evening. I hear I was very wrong.
He's nice but I'm a one bouncer kind of girl
I slept with him because his girlfriend should know better than to be with him given is reputation. It was like sex and a lesson all in one.
He says he won't get serious until he screws an Asian and a virgin. I should just place an ad on Craig's List
Wanted: female 18-24 of Asian or partial Asian descent to fuck my ginger boyfriend. Must be willing and able to fake virginity. No emotional connection needed, just sex, just once. Further contact post sex not needed (or particularly desired)
That's actually a fantastic idea... The kinky sex dungeon will be vastly improved by the addition of a lightsaber
There's not really an emoticon that says "I'm sorry I honked your boobs, and that you weren't a fan of that."
it was an ACCIDENT
it was a DICK
Not to make this awkward, but if we ever have sex (perhaps drunkenly), all i'm gonna be able to think about is how sexy our kids would be.
I pointed at him and said “there goes mr fuckwad”