Nope changed our mind. Decided your strange bacon like body odor wasn't what we want to smell tonight.
Arguably, the best part was cockblocking those squirrels.
Nothing like all your friends getting engaged to remind you how much fun sleeping around is.
She broke up with him yesterday after she cheated on him. He's going a bachelor party next weekend. How has Homeland Security not raised the threat level?
I'm just concerned it's gonna end up in my vagina again
Bonus points if someone shits their pants. Only 1/2 bonus points if it's you
Bonus points are bonus points regardless
I can make a sex schedule on Excel and send it to you guys
You have more time for sex than anyone I know.
Well, if you're anything like me you'll get a lot of ass when you turn 30, so that's a plus
He gave me an orgasim so fantastic that I had an asthma attack.
That's how pantless uber rides happen
My neck is sore from all the headbanging. And I can't tell the difference between the jello stains and cum stains.
roommate singing save a horse ride a cowboy wearing a cowboy hat a bikini and jeans while humping the couch.
I think it may be easier if I stay drunk/high til the wedding. You game?
It's a charity event and she's wearing a cocktail dress drinking a 40... I found my future wife