I'm gunna smoke cigs today. I feel like I'm in that powerful and gritty mood which requires them
Smith looks like a guy that goes on a lot of first dates
We need to pull ourselves out of this slump. We need dick and lots of it. We are going to fuck our way to happiness.
Oh eartly, In cocy youtu youchv make the wallflowers d tskunks!y, couch protection now,.sryou should feel special !
Adderal just makes me love life. I want to do so much. I just can't stop thinking about all the wonderful opportunities we have and how lucky we are and I want to make a difference in the world. I just have to reign in my brain and convince it that changing the world starts with a college degree, which depends on studying for these finals.
New drinking game. Every time Romney and Santorum switch leads, take a shot.
....this is what your political science major is getting you?
Last night after the bar I went home and ate a pulled pork sandwich in a bubble bath
She is larger then a hippo. You could cut her open in the middle of a blizzard and crawl in like Luke skywalker. Throw a couch and a tv in there and you're set
i love you man. i hope we fuck some serious shit up this summer.
Romney sounds like a middle school girl and that creepy ass smile makes me want to close my blinds
I HAVE to find her. I've got a pretty decent pic of her footprint on my headboard. Wonder if I can get one of the podiatry majors to help?
The homeless woman that called me a "dirty looking cunt" the other day, was standing outside Starbucks today with a sign that said "Jesus loves you."
She called to say the cops were not fake cops. some one has to go get her in an hour
Just give me 5 advils and some sunglasses and I'll knock out on this couch no problem.
What the fuck was I thinking eating an entire tub of potato salad on acid. My stomach today bro