This is some kinda fucked up sordid doggy brothel peepshow bullshit.
i just threw up in a potted plant at home depot
I wish you could order shots online.
he ate out my asshole, i really don't think he gets embarrassed easily.
part of it is the fact that im problem drinking, and the other part is my OCD wont let me leave the bottle half-empty.
Remind me to tell you the "if you give a mouse a special brownie" story when you get back
halloween is SO much better on drugs, why didn't anyone let us know about this when we were kids
once you get past the part where you think youre gonna die, its the most amazing drug ive ever experienced.
So "Abstinence August" was a bust. Maybe I'll try for "Sex-free September" or "Only if we're facebook official October"
He is peeing inside and sticking up for himself. Those are two of the four signs of the apocalypse.
I have a better chance beating China's military with slap bracelets than this plan has of working.
Sext: Bring me pancakes from the midnight breakfast gathering please
I've done dumber things than this for flimsier reasons. Come with. If I pull it off I need a witness, and if I fail I need an escape plan.
Either he pets my cat or this deal is null
Cookies and nudity, all you need in life