I'm lost and stupid without you.
After last night I still want u
But please keep that on the DL
Question for you. Are boobs and hands polarly charged, thus causing the inevitable joining of the two. If so are some breasts simply charged backwards
My boobs aren't big enough for this kind of lifestyle
is it wrong that i plan on stealing a few pipecleaners from my preschool classroom to clean my bowl?
You came out of the bathroom, said "I'M DRUNK BUT I REMEMBERED TO WASH MY HANDS!" and then insisted that she smell them.
I started sorting laundry at 6 am. He finally got the hint and left
It's a delicate game of how much porn can I look at without the other interns noticing.
If I come back tomorrow to find a certain football player tied up and locked in your closet, shit's gonna get real.
I'll set him free tomorrow morning ;)
who's job is it to make sure we don't run out of tp since the incident of 09'... Thats right you go get some
I'm eating captain crunch out of a cup half full of beer so idk
I had not one but two drunk coworkers text me and hit on me tonight. I feel like I've finally been accepted into my dysfunctional workplace
Almost to work. And still feel hungover. Like my body is trying to regenerate after dying. Full on zombie shit. But like, one of those zombies from warm bodies that comes back to life slowly.
I guess I look like the kind of girl who would buy edible, weed-infused lube.
this strobe light makes my body turn on and off