So A**** bought my story about how my hickey was a bruise from wrestling
on one hand i'm glad that i'm not in trouble...on the other hand i realized that the reason i cheat on her is because she is so stupid
Crosby and Malkin: Two girls, one cup.
if you google earth my address you can see me getting out of my car. finally my moment of being famous
I mean this holiday was built on cheap beer, shitty whisky, and processed meat... and I fully plan to honor that
There r osticjed everywhere
Lmao. We just snorted some mystery powder uriah found packged up in my car, that i know has been in there almost a year... Its adventure time.
Oh eartly, In cocy youtu youchv make the wallflowers d tskunks!y, couch protection now,.sryou should feel special !
Yeah. It's a great diet plan tho. Just have sex every time you get hungry.
The bartender seems to not like the DD's anymore. I'm sad
no he just sat there holding the hammer and grinning insanely
I'm gonna take a crap in the portashitter like a civilized human being.
Don't act like you're a victim to marijuana
I just need you to stay far enough away that I can't smell your cologne. I completely forget that I fucking hate you as soon as I smell it.
you know what? fuck you, fuck your nana, and ESPECIALLY FUCK THE BLACKHAWKS.
Of course his biggest mistake was assuming that I ever gave a fuck to begin with.