I swear she didn't look like that last week.
to do: lose virginity to hamster dance
I seriously need 2 stop fake jacking off in peoples faces at work...the I.T. Guy just showed me the security surveillance tapes.
I remember saying "sorry" to the blunt before throwing it out the window
it got awkward when she realized that our nickname for her was "The Hambeast"
How did the whale quest end up? I saw u hit a little snag when the first one heard you call her that.
Someone tried to flush pizza down the toilet. Well, at least tried to
thank you whoever used my nalgene as a flask. pregamin in chem
I pulled my bra outta my purse. Covered in honey mustard. I still lack an explanation.
So your best guy friend eats your pussy once and a while, no big deal. It's like going to jiffy lube once and a while to let the professionals do it. Your husband should understand .
I left the brick of cheese in your car! Keep it at Moderate Temp! It's my precious!
They think its so cute and admirable that I learned French. BITCH HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE? sexting foreign bitches, there's an app for that
He was more upset that I got into his phone than about getting caught cheating.
I think the God that I only kind of believe in, definitely hates me.
So, I just found out Ireland, is #1 in binge drinking. I know its Sunday but this one is for America.