Hey guys. This is Daniel texting on mayas phone. if she called you and told you that i made her have sex with me in my doghouse with my dog present that wasn't true.... so dont spread that.
i kinda regret how quickly i gave it up to him, but i just wanted the regular fucking to begin soon. ah we made good memories.
These headphones make me feel like I'm sitting on John Mayers lap and he's singing just to me. I picture like a pitch black room with a single spotlight on us. Also, convinced Kyle to give me percocet soo.
hey, haven't seen your testicles in a while...you 3 still alive?
Being the only sober one.. I had to feed you guys doritos. You kept licking my fingers.
I'm not considering your visit a success until we've fucked every cock in the ethnic rainbow...between the four of us we should have it done by x-mas
That's the saddest description of touching yourself I've heard since someone said "I was just lazily rubbing my clitoris while eating Cheetos alone"
Why are you surprised? I've only ever liked older guys since I was a 3 yr old crushing on her pediatrician.
Just found out my rents have been paying my siblings to cockblock me for the past 5 years
Not as covert as you thought huh?
So you are wearing a heart monitor while drinking?
Yea, they said carry on with my everyday activity.
just for future reference, lake water is NOT mix for hard stuff. nor is it an adequate substitute.
I smelled him yesterday and almost relapsed he's like cocaine
If someone tells me they're a paramedic, how inappropriate is it for me to ask what their save to kill ratio is?
It was ok until his mom walked in and asked if he turned on the crock-pot...
Pretty sure this radio station is run by a cult. Good thing it's in Spanish, can't brainwash someone who can't understand you.