More tranny stories later!
just ate pastrami before passing out in my hotel room. My room smells like a petting zoo
The hookah bar is playing i'm on a boat. I believe in god again.
He just gave a drunken 7 minute speech on how to make the perfect grilled cheese. he explained types of butter and cheeses....i think i love him
Listen. I'm a changed woman. I have no problem using him for sex.
He won't sleep with me again until I commit...
Run. There is other dick in the sea, less clingy dick.
definitely just forgot to put car in park in front of a police officer and ran into a bush.
Ive never seen one person more proud of themselves of peeing in public and getting away with it.
I think my body is a cloud. This mixture of things is heavenly. Dare was wrong, drugs are awesome.
he's like watermelon oreos; I know they're gross and weird and I shouldn't like them, but I can't stop eating them because they're there.
i told her i loved her afterwards and she said "i know," kissed me, and got up to start making breakfast.
dude, she han solo'd you. keep her.
Just totally yelled out Royals while we were having sex last night lol.
Made him watch 4 hours of HGTV then told him I was too tired for sex.
i can't believe i helped you shave your back last night, and she still didn't sleep with you.
He stopped mid sex to say he was sorry that he couldn't make us work.continued. Stopped again to ask if it was crazy that he loved me.
That is not what no strings attached sex is about.