Getting fucked up met up rando with a girl I confesswed my love for last night. weird, going with it
Can you please check on Jay? He just called and left a Backstreet Boys song on my voicemail. Either it's 1998, or someone needs to go back to rehab.
i was actually impressed that she managed to throw up underwater while scuba diving
It's called 'beer pong' not 'everclear and coke pong' for a reason...
Eh, not fuck buddies. I prefer sexercise partner.
My asshole is basically a geyser at this point. Minus the excitement. Plus blood.
Then, halfway through our conversation, I remembered what you drunkenly told me last night and was all "maintain eye contact, do not look at his massive penis".
I'm sorry but I have WAY too many sex/ hookup related bruises on visible areas to be going home tmrw
I woke up smelling like chlorine with a broke toe. They know how to fucking party on lake lanier.
I feel like I got ass raped in the brain.
I just went into a strangers house to have a spoonful of sugar to cure my hiccups, wtf is wrong with me
When asked if they had been introduced, Damo said "No but I know we've pretty much fucked all the same girls in town"
All I see when I think of you are dancing penis angels around your head.
On another note- any interest in going to a gay bar to hit on 19yr olds?
She passed out in my baby sister's room so we put her in one of my grandma's diapers, put a pacifier in her mouth, put her in my sister's crib and took pictures.
Do u believe in the possibility of big foot?
You high??