It's not post it's partial you dumbass. And that's the last thing on obamas mind right now. He's trying to pull us out of s giant shit hole. Why I'm I even trying you ignorant
To mister 8:23 pm on Oct 12, the text never said that the person says slutty things to any particular person.
To the political pricks, only if the mother's life is in danger should abortion be considered. There are orphanages and foster homes, you know. Also, by trying to pull us out of a "giant shit hole" (11:45), Obama has run up the national debt/deficit/whatever to at least 3 times, if not 5 times, what it was under Bush.
11:36. Your the biggest idiot in the world. Post birth abortion? Nooooo. Partial birth abortions. Maybe. If the mothers life is in danger. Get it right tard
Even though our national debt is 3 times or whatever greater than bush's debt, at least obama's debt was debt incurred to stimulate our economy. Bush didn't think of that. Not only that but our government didn't spend money foriegn would call back their funds and leave us in deeper shit "Obama national deficit". First result states "Obama has nearly tripled deficit 'Bush left him' already". This article was from February 09. Another forecasts that by the end of the current year, Obama will have run up a higher national deficit than all the years Bush was in office. That article wasn't even counting health reform costs.
I think this is a girl-to-girl text. You know, a best-friend thing.
I'll be damned if TFLN isn't a micro-mystery! It should be a college course. TFLN Analysis.
1/ Why do you care that much if you're too drunk to know what to say?
2/ Why do you care honestly if you love him?
3/ Um. Lame.
4/ Um no you don't, because you minded so much that you said slutty things to him.
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