If a girl is too big for you, then you don't have the equipment for the job anyways. Shallowness is a cancer to society. Please stop giving nice guys like me a bad name.
Note that the OP said "date her" not "fuck her". So is it ok to fuck fat girls just for the pussy and not date them? Glad to see this nation's youth progressing so positively.
Hey, there's no way that all of a sudden half the girls in this country developed a medical condition that led to obesity, so I see no excuse for the gluttony that is so prevalent. If that makes me a prick, ok, right on.
this has to be the worst tfln ever made in life? & i agree no std's is RULE 1 douchebags. grow some muscles & stfu your not tough. & as for 11:46 "I like "If you can't fit in my pants, you can't get in my pants"<--- no one wants in your pants... just saying.
this is a disgusting post and is exactly why so many girls have body image issues. I'm on the low end of the healthy bmi range and i still got really insecure reading this. to the guys who agreed: you might think you're so cool but half the girls who hear the shit you say wouldn't give you the time of day.
I date a big girl and I love it. Shes hot, smart and really works for it in the sack. Its true what they say, big girls who are hot are the best lay because 9 times out of 10 they really appreciate it. Thin hot chicks think they are the shit and most of the time are stuck up bitches.
I would just like to say that I am thin 116 pounds, but I would NEVER give any asshole with this mentality the time of the day. I hope you gain 400 pounds and die alone
eh. i feel weird about this one. i'm 5'11 and 190 lbs and while i don't really have chub (just abnormally grossly large hips) i don't think most guys would be able to pick me up.
p.s. hell yeah 7:29
basically, it's not a big deal. honestly, cool ur tits cuz I am a large girl. but I'm not just fat- I could probably lift the guy up. I bench 205 lbs on a good day and i'm not grossly muscular either. it's not like I'm super unhealthy just broad and have a little chub on top of serious muscle, which btw weighs more than fat. honestly, I laughed so it doesn't male sense why everyone is so worked up over. something this stupid. like legi: shut up.
Damn all this over a post, im a girl and
yea it's not nice but honestly most guys think that way so there's no reason to get pissed off there ARE guys who like big girls so it's not like they're destined to b alone, anyways yea calm down ppl
I'm a big girl that's the proper term I like! And I like it! It helps weed out the jerks and bitches out of ur life! Btw I look better than ur gf anyway! Good luck on those rules big boy!
Fat chicks suck. Not only do you get the physical unattractiveness but you are also in for the low self esteem and psychosis she has developed from years of being told how repulsive she is by popular culture, entertainment, and the media. Stay away.
12:11 and 12:57, you're right, and it would be totally understandable if that's why all these guys refuse to date fat girls. But wake up, you think they actually care about their health? It IS an image issue here, and that is not right. Women are only trophies.
i like how fat girls on here feel entitled, like everyone else should change these ideals and customs that have been prevalent in our society for so many years, and we should all of a sudden think that fat = hot. like other people have said, we have treadmills, it's not that hard. i'm not saying everyone should be a size 2, god knows i'm not, but at least guys can still pick me up...
Really apprecaite it? I'm the hottest, strongest, healthiest, horniest, pickiest, bitch I've met. Oh, and I'm fat too. You'd want it, but you'd never get it. Fuck off all you shallow assholes, as if sitting on your tiny prick is some honor? Nobody makes me cum like I do (except this one...)
My car has racing seats. If she can't fit in without grease and a shoehorn, she doesn't get a ride. She needs the exercise anyway. Rule number 1 is never meant to be broken,
This is so stupid. As a girl, I'm saying that there is nothing wrong with a little pudge, some are naturally curvier than others. But seriously speaking, being overweight is not healthy. 11:46 is right. Besides, loosing weight is not just an image thing, your HEART and the rest of your body will thank you.
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