It's just a joke people...honestly. I mean, the only person who really actively spoke out against Asians is that idiot who called them "bomb testers"
If people say crap about white people, it's hilarious. But if white people even mention another race in a joking matter, it's racist and ignorant.
October 6, 2009 11:52AM - Odds are, the OP WILL get the shit beaten out of him by a whole bunch of Asians... because, you know, they're all good at karate.
You fucking racist.
My first thought was that this sounded like it came from someone at my college, since we had the monthly alarm test today...then I noticed that it was the right area code. This made my day. I only wish I had actually seen it.
And FYI, morons, you can NOT justify any fucking behavior you want just by saying "It's only a joke."
I hope the person who posted this gets the living fuck beat out of them by a whole bunch of Asian people.
In Japanese, "Godzilla" is actually "Gojira," which could be why the asian kid didn't get it (if he were Japanese at all). What made ME laugh was that the poster was sort of imitating a bad American accent.
@Oct 6 3:22 I like how you call us a bunch of redneck racists, then you stereotype Asians. It's like when people say they aren't racist then they say all black people are good at sports
Get over it. There are plenty of people being unnecessarily sexist and/or misogynistic on here, but no one says a damn thing. At least this was a joke and not serious unlike the accusations of every girl on here being a whore.
"texts from last night".... these texts ARE supposed to be funny. but this doesn't apply to the website at all. looks like some ass backward people in these tornado towns eager to get their 2 secs of fame. OP, have fun waiting tables at the restaurant this asian will own.
1: run it's Godzilla!!!!
2: it looks like godzilla, but due to international copyright laws it is not
1: but still we should run like it is Godzilla!!!
2: though it isn't.
1 & 2: ahhhhhhh!!!
Dear people who are offended by TFLN,
GET THE FUCK OUT. If you don't like it, leave. Stop being so God damned PC. Life is much easier once you remove the stick from your ass.
And now please allow me to step down from my soapbox. Lol
Holy shit this is in no way racist. Asians and blacks and mexicans can call us anyhting they want and get away with it and if white people say anything against a different race it's racist. If someone is against obama people call them racist. It's really sad what America has turned into. Soon white people will be the minority and foriegners will be the majority
Jees, some people have got their panties in a bunch about this post. I personally think it's fucking hilarious. Especially when other Asians have used this type of joke to cause a laugh. So lighten the fuck up. This isn't racist, it's funny.
@11:58 You are a sad, but accurate, example of everything that is wrong with this world. I'm happy and confident that justice will be served on your miserable head one day.
HAHA, people are ridiculous!!! Everyone takes things way to seriously, this is the little shit that has made mankind kill each other for the past 5000 years. Grow up, mature, and realize that it's a joke, and it's a part of life. If you don't like it don't read it, but don't wish death upon someone cuz they made a joke, damn!!
For fuck's sake, learn the definition of racism. How does laughing at Asian pronunciation of English words equate to thinking one race is inherently superior to another? Man my generation is lame.
"Everyone's a little bit racist, all right.
Bigotry has never been exclusively white.
If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
Even though we all know that it's wrong,
Maybe it would help us get along."
I love Avenue Q so, so much. <3
if TFLN doesnt offend you, you're at the wrong site :)
its all in good fun people, get over yourselves.
im half korean and i laughed my ass off at this joke.
I can't believe how people are so quick to throw the racist card around. Racism is having hate for a certain race of people, how does this promote hate?
It doesn't. If the OP said, "run! It's Bigfoot!" to an American would you guys be offended? Of course not. It's just not racist. Get your politically correct heads out of your ass and laugh for once.
I'm Asian and I sent this text to my dad he laughed so hard and so did I, all you lot saying it was racist. It's really night, geezzzz lighten up a bit!
On the one hand, that's racist (and inaccurate, if he's not Japanese). On the other hand, that's hilarious and he probably has enough of a sense of humor to laugh at it.
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