you know what i hate? people who are like "omg i smoke weed yay".
a loot of my friends smoke (including my boyfriend) but they don't run around saying "yay i smoke D0P3 every day LOL im da SHIIIIIT im a ST0n3R!@ look at me GIVE ME ATTENTION"
no one thinks you're cool because you smoke weed. it's not a big deal, christ.
You mean the same way a retard should be shot. What a waste of money keeping them alive. They serve no purpose and contribute nothig to society. Only sad parents who wish they had done the right thing before birth.
ok, so i only smoked weed for about a week in my entire life, but i knew all the pot heads pretty well. here's my theory:
it's not that smoking pot kills brain cells and makes you stupid.
it's when people stop smoking pot that the brain cells die.
the solution: don't stop smoking pot.
I could understand how that works... In class he doesn't pay attention and just sits there but on his couch he is watching tv ( probably ) and listening to at least some sort of info
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