Fun fact: girls don't like guys who were v necks. Just like guys don't like girls who burp and talk about the shit they just took. It's in no way sexy to act like the other sex, although its kind of OK once you're in a committed relationship.
1:01 how does hat you wear not mean anything. If you went to a normal day at school dressed as a drag queen do you honestly think people are going to say 'hey it doesn't mean anything, he just likes the clothes that's all.' Don't think so.
he's obviously a pretentious hipster douche bag, who tried to show off is v-neck collection to make up for his lack of heterosexuality.
damn you American Apparel and your spread of the hipster trend!
a) V-necks look good on guys (just not the low cut ones that are made for boobs)
b) what is the purpose of "literally"? How would he figuratively ask you?
7:18 & 9:15 : As opposed to he actually just asked what he should wear tomorrow and all he ever wears is v-necks which may as well mean "what v-neck should I wear tomorrow." instead, he actually asked "what v-neck should I wear tomorrow."
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