Reason #84 I'm on my way to becoming a crazy cat lady: I called the police last night because I heard a noise and the cats were acting funny like they were trying to tell me something. The 3rd time the dispatcher repeated "the cats are acting funny?" I yelled and told her to have an officer ask the cats what happened.
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Maybe you need to get a dog or a boyfriend?
hahahhahaaa. I think I dated this girl, and she would do this, and I think I totally turned her into said crazy cat lady! Claire-claire-binks
Plz no more cat lady texts
This just in! YOU'RE ALREADY A CAT LADY!!!!
fake. someone who would do this does not have friends to text message.
Were u tripping on stools??
I find this hard to belive. But if so... I'm going to assume you where drunk when you did it.
This isn't beileveable or funny
maybe a real person to send this b.s. text too?
Yeah, youd likely be in jail for making false 911 calls. dumb whore.
Fake. No one would actually text that much information.
911 abuse happens all the time...shed have to make several hundred of these calls before they charhe her.
Reason #1 you're already a cat lady...
o.o...i giggled...though i do think that youd have been arrested for that stunt...
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