Hollywood knows how to make money. In this case, it's taking the current male target of sexual affection and making her some sort of succubus. They know we're too dumb to put the pieces together....
im a chick and i would fuck megan fox any day of the week. especially after transformers. and during jennifers body. that movie is going to be funny just bc how dumb it is. why would you not like a movie about a hot cheerleader who kisses girls, swims naked and kills people?
Megan Fox is the equivalent of a female blow up doll. There's nothing interesting or charming or sensual or beautiful about her. She's fuckable, but that's about it.
She MIGHT be pretty if you duct taped her mouth shut. Otherwise, how are you supposed to focus on her looks when she's yapping about the dumbest, most irrelevant shit on earth 24/7?
thank you all, Megan Fox is unbelievably overrated. She's not THAT hot. There are so many other women out there who are much more gorgeous, hot, sexy, etc. than Megan Fox.
i like how many of you are talking as if you know her and are friends with her. i hate to be the one who breaks it to you but you dont. you have only seen her on TV and in movies guys, you dont know what shes like in person. none of us do.
and yes, she is pretty. you honestly cant say shes not.
I like how people thumbs down 11:36.
"No, I don't think she's pretty/ I feel jealous and threatened, therefore I have to try and convince everyone else she's ugly."
shes really not all that pretty if you really just look at her. she has a wide forehead and her cheekbones arent even that great. the only pretty thing about her is her eyes. but besides that shes not shit.
personally, i think women like eva longoria, catherine zeta jones, alicia keys, Keira Knightle, beyone, that chick that played/plays lois lane in smallville are way prettier then her.
whoever is saying people only hate her because they are jealous thats stupid you can hate someone without being jealous! maybe the people who hate her just hate her because shes so fake
whoever is saying people only hate her because they are jealous thats stupid you can hate someone without being jealous! maybe the people who hate her just hate her because shes so fake
8:50, i have no idea why every other guy in this world is obcessed. shes too scrwaney as 5:46 said. face could be better too. But hey, if she is what is 'hot' right now, then hollywood is definatly hitting the jackpot by putting her in a movie about some vampire/sucubbus
It's perpetuated by Hollywood buzz. Bored writers and reporters sit around with no better ideas on what to talk about and say "How about another bit on how hot Megan Fox is?" In a few months it will be someone else. Hopefully it will be Betty White.
uhm im a girl who hates her and I don't hate her because im a female I happen to like girls but just girls who a diffrent and real megan fox is so full of herself and fake and not diffrent or unique and all! and she makes girls with tattoos look bad! plus she has a marilyn monroe tattoo which is ridiculous marilyn was real and not a skeleton with tons of surgery
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