Yes 1:17 there is not only the new fangled I-phones and blackberries but there is also little things like pix messages that can hold up to 1000 characters. Also if the texter had Verizon Wireless even the most simple phone can send 7texts as one to another Verizon Wireless user. meaning they have 1114 characters to send. (to all the rest of you out there that will debate my math of 1114 it is correct because once you breach the 160 character mark it drops each text down to 159 characters each.)
Nah, quit being a douche and laugh. Don't pretend you are trying to be mature and "above" this joke. No one believes you anyway.
Lets face it, this is fucking hilarious
5:59 you must be the the friend of all the hot friends who doesnt get any action. probably half of the posters here have "unloaded" in the areas in the post
okay 1:17 your really dumb... standard phones do have a 160 character limit but many people now have iphones and blackberries and other high tech emailing phones which pretty much have no limit on characters
sweet remix. anybody else think of the shel silverstein poem boa constrictor? it's clearly the inspiration, and a fine literary work in it's own right. nice to see bedtime stories lead to such great things.
940 i gave u the only thumbs up. because i like poop too. ive asked one girl to get so kinky and she said cool then i asked her if she was cool with bringing poop into the situation and she get pissed and left when she realized i was serious
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