I had it happen to me once, I was messing around with a guy, I had no intention of having sex, we were just... well naked feeling each other up, and next thing I knew he slip inside of me, I jumped back and freaked out, because of my tampon. I ran to the bathroom, but I couldn't find it. I figured I just was mistaken and hadn't put another one in because it was the end of my period anyways. But then. When I went to use a vibrator later... I discovered it was still there... So I went fishing.
dude do what you have to do! Sometimes stuff just gets to hot and heavy to pull it. Dont be jealous cause you ain't havin this type of need-it-now sex ;)
You are by far the most stupid and most disgusting girl I have ever met.
There's nothing wrong with getting laid, but first of all:
as if you being on your rag isnt smelly and gnarly enough, you couldn't even take out your blood filled napkin?
Second of all, I just can't get over how fucking disgusting that is.
Just take it out, you desperate slut
personally, i just want to know how that HAPPENS?? I mean, wouldn't the string tip him off? Or maybe when he tried to push thru? I'm just asking questions here
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