You take your porn site sluts and I'll stick with my level 80 draenei priest. She cares about me, she really does! Plus she knows that trick involving an ample supply of butter and Goblin jumper cables. lvl 80 draenei priest is the hottest thing that I've ever seen. Her big ass rack and ghetto booty could turn anyone on. Way to go guy! If I were a guy I would certainly whack off to her. WoW porn FTW!
I happen to be a chick who plays warcraft. Plus I'm engaged to a guy who also plays it- and I had him start to play. So really- you don't have to choose just one.
Lawl. . . Just quit the game, i couldn't get enough action IN game. . . So I left to get action OUTSIDE of the game, those male belfs just didn't get it all the way for me. damn. wish I had the charm you had for your characters.
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