10:14 Shut you it's black folk like you that ruin it for the rest of us, look the steps that we've taken in the past 150 years. We need to stop blaming everything on the White devil and stop selling drugs and drinking 40's.
not feeling it doesn't necessarily mean small dick. I was with an average endowed guy and couldn't feel a thing! I was also with a small guy -it felt like just a finger, but I still felt it. ;)
That's when you tell her that you're not sure, because it's like dropping a summer sausage down the Grand Canyon. And besides, remember the rule--if you can't hit bottom destroy the living fuck out of the sides.
This has happened to me before and yes, he had a small penis. And I wasn't loose, I was a virgin. Needless to say it made an awkward moment three times more awkward.
k so, I'm canadian ( and proud to be ) but I just want to say that as Americans, you should be proud to have the first 'black' president - instead, you call him racist. that's lovely. be proud and enjoy the fact that you have a great president. better than that bush bullshit. respect your country and it's president.
Racism by definition can only be practiced by a member of the majority towards a member of a minority. If a black person hates white people, it's just racial discrimination.
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