regs are always cheaper than cigs, but now even the premium stuff is cheaper too. I live in florida and cigs are $3.50 if you buy 3 packs, but im home on break in NH and cigs are 6.29 a pack here
come october all flavored tobacco is being made illegal. flavored cigars, cloves, things of that nature are gone. i.e. no more blunts. do some research before you decide to be a smartass
Here in MA, its like $7.50 a pack.. So thats cheaper than weed. For a gram of good shit up here, its like $20 bucks. I used to live in FL though, cigs are way cheaper down there..
A guy in New Hampshire was charged $23 quadrillion for a pack of smokes the other day. Yeah that's right a quadrillion, I'm not making this up. So quit your bitching about $10.
hahaha in atlanta its like 3 or 4 dollars a pack... all you fuck tards are getting screwed with these 10 dollar prices... 10 dollars can get you two packs and of quality cigs such as marblo lights
or roll your own. but, then again, still... we should stop smoking. here in oklahoma they're 5.29 for a pack of camel wides... so i guess i should stop bitching when i buy the two-pack deal for 2.50 off..
3:41.... we hope you are joking because if it was as easy as growning primo weed in our backyards for free without getting caught, oh how different the world would be!!!
Everyone.... no more cigarettes..... smoke weed and calm down!!!
(signing off from Beautiful BC, the BEST and Cheapest weed in North America! yaaaay)
I get my reds for 7.50 or if i feel like switching it up camel turkish silvers are the same price. As for weed, for 20 bucks you get .8 of really strong shit. I've been clean ( from weed atleast) for over a year because the dealers realized if they sprayed it with household products you would trip balls. I don't enjoy that so i quit. My cigarettes may have over 400 chemicals but atleast i dont black out when i smoke them.
I'm on long island and a pack here is between $6 and $9. Average of a little under $8, I'd say. In NYC they're ridiculous, I was in Penn Station last week and a bought a pack for $11.
ha to the dude way up there... "a mix of greens and tobacco"....ever heard the term spliff? lol and this is fuckin retarded weed is way expensive, especially you people from the east coast like ny its like 70 bucks for an eighth. sucks for all those who have to pay 14 or more for a pack of stoges i get them for 5 bucks or less
more people smoke weed than cigs where im from anyways. it smells better and its better for you. if our country was smart they would make weed legal so that they could tax it and make tons of money to fix our budget crisis. and everyone would be more relaxed too! it sounds good to me. thats all im sayin.
the problem with flavored tobacco is that people think it's geared towards getting younger kids to smoke... which hell, it probably is. but that's besides the point.
yeah atlanta is where it's at. you can get camels and marlboros for just a little over 3 bucks a pack at the right place. everyone needs to chill out telling smokers to quit, i hate you.
i live in ohio, and its 5 bucks a pack, and as for the green, i hate it.. it doesnt make u feel good at all.. it just makes u weird n really effects the way u act.. ive been addicted to everything and been in and out of rehab. so now i just drink, but drugs do have an effect on u.. i used to be that guy that said weed isnt a drug blah blah blah, believe, ull understand what i mean one day.. weed sux..
indian reserve ciggarettes are discusting, its just the reject tobacco from big name producers.
In calgary im paying 14 bucks a pack for smokes. instead i started mixing the greens and the tobacco together to hit 2 birds with one stone. and it gives you the best head rush
I don't tell you to start smoking, why must you tell me to stop? If I die of lung cancer, then thats one less person to vote against whatever you're liberal, hippy agenda you're pushing this week. Go fuck yourself pussy. Never mind, you probably don't fuck pussy... homo.
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