A lot of the time it sucks being jail bait just because many guys DON'T seem to understand the whole 'you can look but you can't touch' thing and enjoy being creepy regardless. I was walking to the bus yesterday and a man who looked about 70 catcalled me with his friend, it was disgusting.
Yes it does. The only dudes my age (23) that are gonna touch a minor are the ones that can't get chicks our age, and there is generally a reason.
Just remember kids, 5 years can get you 10.
Literally getting "catcalled" at, 10:19, is such a minor deal it's not even funny. Like even if I look incredibly sloppy but wear anything that's not a wetsuit, someone will beep. And its not even like its something to be proud of or that I think I'm stunningly attractive, its just everyone does that... So get over yourself, omg.
I'm actually the one who posted this... the best part is that I am a 20 year old girl who was giving advice to a 23 year old guy about not banging his 16 year old student... so the offended girls on here need to chill out... I'm just telling it like it is <3
haha so truee..
i love reading what all the 14-17 year olds say who think theyre mature and cool because they only go for older guys. newsflash you're lame the only reason they go out with you is because they're immature and cant get a girl their own age.
If you want to have a relationship with the guy, being jail bait sucks. If you just want to be a tease, sure it's fun, but as for wanting to actually be with him, it's ridiculously dumb if he's too much of a good guy to even hold your hand until you're 18.
haha im 15 and the guys I always seem to go for are always 21. olders much better and age doesn't make a difference depending on the person. seriously 20 yr olds are the new 18/19 yr old guys these days and guys don't mind touching a minor these days anyway. law doesn't seem to matter much anymore
Underaged girls, these comments you're posting are giving us a bad name . It's embarrassing . Please, get some class . Yes, you might be hot, but don't act like you get everything you want from older men . It's stupid . I highly doubt all of you posting comments are hot, or even underage .
6:31 You're 14. You're not worthwhile to have, and anyone who thinks you are has the emotional maturity of 14 year old. Grow up, life doesn't end after 20.
3:25 what is up with you and ur asian fetish? haha i did fuck a crazy korean bitch and her vagina was like that of an 8 year old. is that your fetish? crabtraps
I'm guessing every girl on here going "oh I'm hot jailbait" and saying stuff like the worthwhile ones are older. You're retarted. You're probably all ugly whores that have no chance with guys your own way, and don't realize they're only talking to you for the pussy
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