Draco is PATHETIC. He starts the series pathetic, he ends the series pathetic. End of story. Tom Felton is kind of adorable, but whatever.
Oh, and HP haters can go fuck themselves. Hard. With sharp, rusty objects.
id rather hear anybody talk about harry potter over fucking twilight. if the stupid actors in twilgiht werent what everyone 'assumes' is attractive itd be a whole different story. when did you really ever see h.p in the tabloids? dear lord twilights been in the tabloids from the get go. at least with h.p. the author isnt afraid to kill some good guys. twilgihts too happy go lucky... get over it. harry potter takes all.
fuck harry potter. and the author of a childeren's book series that has 45 year old men dressed up as one of the characters waiting in line at barnes and noble at midnight waiting for the release of the final book should be drug out in the street and shot.
Draco Malfoy's not a terribly bad person! it's not his fault his family's all fucked up. he's lucky he even turned out vaguely ok with a dad like that!
WTF? Draco is NOT just a fucking stupid character from a pathetic cashcow series of books. Fuck you idiots!!!!!!!, google it and read up on history.
Ever heard someone say "their policies were draconian"?
Fuck, I'm floored. Nobody has pulled you up on this yet? O. M. G.
(rolls eyes)
Tom Felton is freaking hot. Darco Malfoy as a character - not so great. At least he turns out some what normal in the end.
And by no means should JK Rowling be shot... she isnt making ppl dress up. Those ppl make their own choices to dress up like wizards. get over it - its just a series made for intertainment.. if you dont like them then dont read them, but dont rain on everyone else's parade.
My thought process throughout the entire movie was:
"Draco is so hot."
"Bellatrix is so hot."
"Draco is hot!"
"God, Bellatrix is hot."
"Harry is a tool"
"Ooh, Snape is hot."
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