4:40 I didn't say I was proud of giving the chick eye herpes. It happened during a rough-housing accident when we were 11. And jump the fuck off of 4:35, they had a valid question and I'm sure they will educate themselves without your supreme fucking guidance. Go drink the stuff under your kitchen sink, it's delicious.
I know you can go to jail for knowingly passing on HIV...is that true for other STI's as well? This texter should look into pressing charges. And also learn to use a condom.
I would buy him some pimple cream for it and add some skin burning acid to the mix. Lather it up and walk away. People that spread STD's should be put in jail.
Yea well unless said douche wrestles naked or plays hefty amounts of tummy sticks he contracted his lil friend from raw doggin balls deep a lil sticky wet mess
You can still get herpes even with a condom, people. Breakouts can include thighs and such too -- i.e. places a condom won't cover but you'll still contact during sex.
I don't feel sorry for anyone who doesn't protect themselves, you got what you asked for, playing with fire will eventually get you burned, and so will stupidity, a pimple on his dick? For real, yah NO!
People who willingly pass on STDs to others are FUCKED up and I really do want to look up any legal penalties for doing that. But remember, people who pass it on out of ignorance/unsafe habits vastly outnumber the crazies who pass it on knowingly.
"Barebacking is for retarded high school dropouts, unless you are in an exclusive relationship."
and even then you have to trust the other one to not cheat on you and give you something. it's a lose-lose sit.
Pimples can form on the dick, like 1:35 says. But, even if it wasn't an std, why take the chance of barebacking with a possible open sore on his dick? As a guy, I can say that if my boa even feels remotely chafed, I'm double bagging.
Barebacking is for retarded high school dropouts, unless you are in an exclusive relationship.
bumps do occur on your penis that are not related to STDs. you guys are fucking morons... please do your research/be sexually aware. but yea shouldve used a condom just to be sure.
That is pretty fucking dumb to take his word that it is only a pimple on his dick, and who the fuck gets a zit on there cock anyways? If you answer yes to that, get some antibiotics, fast.
Ive never heard of anyone having zits on there shaft, maybe one under the nut sack, but not on the shaft. i feel sorry for the guy that gets a pimple on his schlong.
true about the herpe being passed by skin, wrestlers get it all the time on non genital areas like arms and legs because they grapple around with each other. also why they get ringworm a lot.
Usually how it goes Doogie, sad that we know more about their bodies than they do. You would think with all the "hands-on" experience they get with it they would learn some shit!
1:30p Sure focus on the exception rather than the rule. Maybe one guy out of a hundred has a legitimate, harmless pimple, while the rest have open herpes sores, but because it's POSSIBLE, you should give Dirty McDirtyson the benefit of the doubt. It's brilliant, go with it and spread your wisdom to your ignorant friends too.
I'm a little behind... But to 1:21 -- There is a law against knowingly spreading STDs. You CAN be charged. (Which, in my opinion, is a very valid law.)
1:27 why should I take it easy on someone who doesn’t think to have him bag it up when there is something on his cock, I don’t care if it a freaking mole that looks weird.
11:31: you NEVER know ALL of their sexual history, even if they say you do. 1) Get tested every 6 months, most states do the big STD's for free. 2) don't fuck a random w/o a condom. 3) if you are in a LTR, go get tested together, build trust, and then, maybe, you can toss the rubbers... but remember, babies are an STD too!
Newest post from ijustwanttotellyou.c0m - - Boy, I just want to tell you, that you could be Burger King and I'll be McDonald's. You could have it your way and I'm loving it.
Doogie here-
Well, what do you expect? There are a shit ton of people on here not understanding their own damn bodies. Doesn't it frighten you that people are so incredibly stupid that they cannot even figure out whether or not a pecker can get a zit? If they don't know something that basic, or if they profess to and blame it on "hair follicles", then SOMEONE needs to educate their dumb asses.
4:33 gives one example of why I never go to public pools. You have no idea what's in the water.
Sad that 1:25 has to post those no-brainers but with drunken hookups getting nothing but Good Night votes I'm surprised we don't see a lot more of these I just got teh herpes" posts. 3:31 tells why: Condoms aren't a magic bullet.
BTW, I know stats and I know how STDs are spread. But go ahead and call me a bible-thumper or a prude if it'll make you feel better about not liking what I'm saying
2:02 - i meant official. like, your doctor has a log-on for this website, and is required to register your std as part of his protocol for treatment. you know, like when he tells you to use that cream, always wear a condom when you have any sexual contact, and by the way your name will now be on the national registry of sexually transmitted diseases, for the protection of all other citizens.
Doogie again-
My "little weenie" would actually be called a clitoris, because I am a woman. Sad that a woman knows more about the functions of the penis than the average dumbass who wields it.
Anywhere there are sebaceous (oil glands), a zit or pimple can form. Guess what guys...you have sebaceous glands on your apparatus.
Stop being dirty and stupid...pick better partners and use a condom, for fuck's sake.
regardless of whether you can get a pimple on the penis, who the fuck is desperate enough to bounce on a dick with a pimple anyways? hope you at least got an iPod outta the deal or something.
Let's play a little game called one in four. OHHHHH, so sorry. Looks like this contestant won't be moving on to the lightning round. Math is only funny until you get herpes.
you know how there's a website for registered sex offenders? i think people with STDs should have to register somewhere, too. i mean, yeah, it may not be fair to the honest people with STDs who got it from some asshole like that, but i think even they can agree that they wish it had been there before. cause some people get something, and they're like, fuck, i have it. i don't care about anybody else. they can get it too. ugh. so messed up.
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