AMEN to the texter/poster.
And those of you saying this shouldn't be up here need to be quiet. This site doesn't have to only post texts you sent about stupid stuff you did while obviously drunk.
And 1:45- I'm in college and debate this stuff. It's not only high-schoolers who do.
there are worse works of literature out there than twilight....i wouldn't go that far...but to each their own right? i mean it sucks that everywhere we go there is something twilight related...but i wouldn't be too happy if everyone hated on something i liked...
I think it's valid to argue movie vs book. The books sucked; the movie sucked on such a cosmic level that a new torture realm in Hell was where people have to watch the movie over and over again.
O_O I don't understand any of this. You mean people actually watched that Twilight Movie?!
IMHO though. F*ck Twilight & F*ck Edward. You want a real vampire you stick with Vlad, he wasn't sparkly and killed 100s of thousands of people without hesitation. Try Elizabeth Kostava's The Historian. That's what a real vampire novel is about. & if you have an issue with my post or agree.. I'm EbbedAway on Myspace.
I read the first book before society became obsessed with the twilight series and I liked it. I wouldn't classify it as literature but I was amused by the concept of "good" vampires. now I just hate the series. it was ruined by the movies.
twilight gave girls an unrealist view on guys, and now NOBODY'S GETTING LAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, stephanie meyer for creating the dryspell of the century because girls only want to fuck edward cullen/rob pattinson...
hey......twilight may be preteen porn...........but if you want adult level books better than twilight.........go for the dark series by christine feehan........written for adults, and so good and hot that after three months of reading about 20 some-odd books.......i had my first one-night stand ever.........and i don't do one-nighters..........
A porn would actually graphically describe sex.. in which Twilight can't even do that. I read it- i saw it- i'll see the next one. It's nothing special at all.
But definitely shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as Harry Potter which actually had thought put into the writing of it lol
whatevs. i'm still going to masturbate to my own non-mormon version of edward. what do you think happens if a vampire goes down on a human? what if it was her period...?
no, 12:09 (2), it's not disliking it; it's that anyone who has that much time to spend hating on something that doesn't even matter must not have much to do.
fuck people who say the movie ruined it. they are horrible books to begin with. the writing is so one-dimensional and superficial it's ridiculous. and the plot is just dumb too, a vampire falling in love with a human? vampires drink blood, that's what they do. humans are food for them. it's like a human falling in love with a hamburger. give me a break.
Dear 7:20, get your facts straight. Stephanie Meyer is actually quite beautiful and far from lonely. She's been married for years and has two kids. I would guess she is a happy person. You never can tell with Mormons because they always ACT happy in that creepy way.
You're my hero. If people want to see a vampire who's a thousand times better than Edward Cullen, all they have to do is watch the first episode of Buffy. Angel rules, and so does Spike. Edward is a little girl.
So true! Newsflash: Just as girls aren't perfect they way ads and porn and whatever depict us to be, boys aren't perfect the way stupid romance novels like Twilight depict them to be. The woman isn't even a good writer, and she probably just hasn't gotten any for a really long time. Probably because her expectations are entirely too high.
I'm a teenage girl, and I DETEST Twilight with a burning passion. The book was bad, the movie was possibly the worst movie ever, and the crazy fans annoy me to no end.
But I love Harry Potter. I have since I was five. The books are awesome, the movies are pretty good, and the crazy friends are me and my best friends. IT IS SO MUCH BETTER.
2:42, tfln IS supposed to be about "stupid stuff you did while obviously drunk". notice how the homepage says "remember that text you shouldn't have sent last night? we do."....therefore implying that you were under the influence and did something you shouldn't have. arguing about twilight does not count.
hey dont get too down on yourself 11:24, at least the girls are over Harry Potter and dont expect you to do magic....just throw some glitter on your self and if they tell you they love you answer "you are my life now" guarantee you will get laid....unless they are anti-twilight
12:18 I LOVE YOU.
i've been trying to get my stupid friends to realize this for three years. it's one big fat book of mormon. which makes it even more stupid.
ok, honestly, why do you people care so much? is this like the first time in your lives where your tastes have differed from other people's? get used to it, that will happen a lot in life.
3:13 - i agree
harry potter is about a normal teenager who goes through pretty much normal teenage stuff
twilight is about a girl who has no life other than her boyfriend, doesn't go to college because of him, and gets married and pregnant when she's 18. and its supposed to be romantic.
they all suck, by the way all the pretentious high schoolers trying to look intelligent while justifying how "teh awesome teh twilight book is GTFO ktxbai" is pathetic, you'll understand once you graduate
I think Stephanie Meyer is secretly a zombie who's goal is to turn every girl alive into fat lonely house matrons like herself and create a legion of soldiers hell bent on defending the honor of Edward Cullen.
The army is building...
I agree with the OP, but honestly - why has nobody mentioned Potter Porn yet???? the harry potter universe sure as hell isn't pure, not after all the fan fiction that's been written about it....
wow. i can't believe this generated this much talk.
i am the poster, by the way, and wanted to add something that wasn't pure sex and drunkenness on the site.
and the text was really sent..
and i love harry.
i posted 3:41 and i dont think so....for anyone else maybe...but Ms. Meyer is as pure as the get. Mormons...sigh. if she were even close to thinking about something naughty she wouldnt have had a black-out as the sex scene in the last book....but i guess she let us use our imaginations
if she was on her period and a vampire was going down on her, I'm pretty sure she would die. regardless of the period, odds are she would die anyways... If I were a vampire I'd play with my food before I eat it.
yep when i was at my girlfriends house she said she was watching twilight but before i went in a heard a noise like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz he tv must be broken
what's wrong with porn for girls? we need something to get us off and if that happens to be a sparkly vampire, all the better. it's just as real as most of the porn guys watch.
i agree. if you dont like it, then wy are you wasting time sitting here bashing it? jesus people, they're just books and movies, nothing really mportant!
im a guy, and i grew up with harry potter, and those books paralleled growing up and people could relate, maybe not with the fuckin crazy shit that goes on, but with the situational awkwardness and uncertainty. anyone who bashes that series has problems. twilight is some bullshit and annoying as hell
why is this text even on here? the texts are supposed to be about the fun, scandalous and/or embarrassing nights of people who actually party, not little high schoolers that have nothing better to do on a friday night than to debate about fictional book characters
i think so many people love it because well, doesnt everyone want to be with someone who would do anything to make you happy? someone who would give their soul and be in pain if it meant that they could be around you? someone who would do anything to make sure you are safe? i think alot of people want a love like that.... and well since people a selfish creatures we can only get that through fictional lives. let them be.
No, 6:08, you should carry out said activities for being so close-minded and ignorant as to think that someone's enjoyment of a book written purely in the way of fantasy dictates their entire intellect or their path in life.
And I go to college, U of M, thanks.
Oh, don't even get me started on twilight. Was amazing until it was released as a movie and collected fucked up 14 year-old fans who don't even appreciate it for what it is, just the idea of 'Edward Cullen'. But go Harry :)
If you are in college and enjoy twilight you should save yourself money and drop out then go work at Dennys or your local brothel/strip club. Because that is where your intellect places you
you guys need to chill. First off...the woman is married and has kids i think....and those arent her standards! she had a dream one night and wrote it down on paper 8 months later twilight was born....she thinks of bella as her daughter....wouldnt you want your daughter to have high standards and not fall for losers??? but yeah its just a book. if you dont like it read something else.
I think it's funny now boys all slam Harry Potter when I remember back in the day when we were all lining up to get the books at midnight that probably over HALF the kids dressed up like wizards were boys.
lol @ 11:51..."You'll understand when you graduate.."
Really? I'm about to be a senior in college and I finished reading the Twilight books like 2 months ago....You can be any age and still appreciate silly teen books. Not everything has to be Nietzsche and feminist writers once you get out of high school...
But yes, 404, Harry Potter is better.
I am currently working my way through the Harry Potter series yet again... I honestly am not even sure how many times I have read the 1st-4th books and they are as good as ever. I have read the Twilight series once, and I will never pick them up again
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